Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Powerpoint Presentation

  1. Limit use of text and bullets so the slide is readable and the point is easy to find
  2. Use big (at least 28-point) font on slides
  3. Avoid using the presentation as a 'teleprompter'
  4. Don't use distracting transitions on EVERY slide because this takes away from the presentation instead of adding to it
  5. Have a 'visual theme' to bring cohesion to the presentation so it does not look like random slides pasted together

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I actually did not even know the CLT existed so I found the visit really interesting. I was really impressed by the number and variety of computers they had. Also, the kinds of softwear/stations the CLT is divided into are really cool!

I will definatly be comming down here to use the Adobe suites beacuse the definition and monitors down here are a lot better than my personal lapotop. I'll probably also come down here to edit pictures just for fun for the same reasons.

Since this is my only computer oriented class right now, I am not sure how much I will use it for other classes but given the opportunity I will definatly come here!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Before we started the unit on Excel I did not know a lot about it and, to be completely honest, I was intimidated . However, after everything we have done with it I can honestly say that I really enjoyed learning about excel! I did not know about most of what we learned and all of the applications the program had.

I loved how functions worked and the ease of using them. The running balance was probably the most useful function for me because I can start using it to keep track of how much money I have and avoid over-drafting (again!). I also learned a lot with conditional formating because it can make a table a lot more clear or highlight specific portions that are important. The function I found MOST interesting however, was the 'if' function. I think its amazing how much Excel can compute and organize with just a couple of parameters. These tables will also be really useful to keep track of grades (as we do in class) and to quickly makes charts from specific data.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chris Nolan

Google Advanced Search

I found the Chris Nolan lecture very interesting and informative. The “advanced search” option in Google was totally new to me but seems extremely helpful. By using this option, I can limit the parameters of my search therefore limiting the number of results I receive to links that I will most likely want to use. I learned that through this tool, I can choose the type of domain I want my results to come from. For example I can limit my search to .gov or simply completely eliminate .com’s. Another way to do this is by entering a minus in front of the site domain to narrow a search, this would look like ( Another cool feature advanced search has is an option to limit languages. The “advanced search” allows me to choose language so I can just see websites in Spanish or eliminate websites in a language I cannot read such as Chinese. By using this option I can also choose to only see links with certain usage rights such as free to use/ modify/ect which can in turn protect me from copyright infringement. A portion of Chris’s speech that I found surprising was that all websites that end in .gov are not necessarily run by the federal government. 5% of these websites belong to different organizations that petition to use them and are therefore not always totally reliable.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pictures that Lie

The picture I chose to analyze is the "Jackalope" image, I chose this picture because although it is an imaginary creature it is very well doctored and seems real. The picture came from a postcard of an unknown time period and is currently owned by the Museum of Hoaxes. The image was manipulated by adding antlers on to the rabbit's head probably as a prank. The manipulation is harmful for several reasons: it misinforms the public about a "dangerous" creature that is not real, it may also decrease tourism to Colorado due to fear of Jackalope's.
